Wednesday 25 September 2013

Kyle Leon Customized Fat Loss Review about Cholesterol Levels

Kyle Leon Scam
A new study found that women who ate an apple daily had improvements in cholesterol levels and markers of inflammation - suggesting a lower risk of heart disease - in a period of one year. The study, conducted by researchers at the University of Florida, involved 160 women who were randomly assigned to eat about 2.7 (75 g) of dried apples or dried plums (prunes) each day.

Kyle Leon Scam - Researchers did blood tests on three, six and 12 months to measure heart risk factors marks. After a year, women who ate dried apples lowered their total cholesterol by 14%, their LDL (or "bad") cholesterol had fallen by 23%, and their HDL (or good) cholesterol had increased about 4%. The participants also experienced a 32% decline in C-reactive protein, an indicator of inflammation in the body and a risk factor for heart disease.

Women who ate prunes also saw a slight reduction in the risk factors, but not to the extent that those who ate apples, said study author and professor of nutrition Bah ram H. Armanda.

As an added benefit, the women in the apple lost about 3.3 kg on average - although nuts are added an extra 240 calories to your diet. Researchers chose to study in human volunteers apples because previous data from animal studies have suggested health fitness program benefits.

Apples are rich in pectin, a fiber soluble blocking cholesterol absorption in the intestine and stimulates the body to use instead store the material waxy.Cascas are also packed apple polyphenols - antioxidants that prevent cell damage from radicals. Although the study used for convenience dried apples, Armanda said fresh apples are likely to be even better.

And no matter if they are green, red or gold. "Any varieties of apples are good," he says. Another key [University of California, Davis, dietitian Dianne] Hyson says, is to eat the whole fruit instead of looking at the individual components in supplements. "Most of the time, in many studies, the whole is better than the sum of its parts.

1 comment:

  1. Appropriate and correct knowledge about various factors that increase cholesterol levels is essential to maintain normal cholesterol levels at all times, which are anywhere between 200
